On Being Tired

As Lili von Shtupp said in Blazing Saddles “I’m tired”.  I was chatting with several of the other teachers and we all agree, this year is wearing on us more than any other.  We are not sure if it is something as simple as teaching behind a mask or something as complex as the added stress Covid has brought to an already stressful job.  As a result I have tried to reduce the number of preps I am doing.  At the moment I have four, Python, Intro to Programming and Game Programming with Unity 1 and 2.  I have decided to sort of roll my Unity 1 and 2 into one class.  I normally have two or three lesson threads going in Unity which means I am working on two or three Unity projects so I can show the kids how to build the scene they are to work on.  I am getting just too tired mentally to keep it all going.  It does not help that I am teaching the Python and Unity 2 classes at the same time.  The biggest help is the classes are small and the kids are into it.  Point them in a direction and get out of the way.  I still have to troubleshoot assignments before they get to them.  Those of you that teach smart kids know how busy that can keep you.  Take a day off and they pass you up and you have no idea how they did what they did..  With Unity there are so many things to do that it is not hard to have the Unity 2 kids do something the Unity 1 kids are doing and still learn something new.  It just bothers me that I am not doing as much in the classes as I normally do.  I like the kids to explore the features of Unity, that is part of the course, how to learn, but I simply cannot keep up this year.  When I get home I just want to veg out, not look at a computer screen.  (Like I am doing now typing this.  You may notice I have reduced the number of postings.)  Here is hoping next year is closer to “normal”.

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